If you are either selling or buying a home, there may be very good advantages to using owner financing for the transaction. This type of purchase often comes with very reduced interest rates and the payoff period is typically much longer than conventional bank loans. This trend has become more and more popular with people in recent years. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages for both buyer and seller.
Selling Your Home Using Owner Financing
When you sell a house, typically the buyer will get a mortgage through a bank or private lender. This is how it has been done for many years and is still the most popular way of selling a home. However, when interest rates at banks are high, buyers may look to sellers to offer financing themselves. As a seller, you can offer this to prospective purchasers and sometimes gain more on the sale. You will not be able to get the money from the sale upfront as it has always been, but you will be getting regular monthly income from the sale for a predetermined amount of time. Usually, it would be for a term of ten years with a balloon payment at the end of this period. As stated, the interest you get will be lower than a bank would charge. But, at the end of the loan, you will have made substantially more money from this sale than you would have if they had taken out a traditional mortgage loan.
Purchasing A Home with Owner Financing
If you are buying a house, it would be to your advantage to use seller financing. Many people do not understand how this works and will often ask what is owner financing? This type of sale of a home is when you do not take out a traditional mortgage but, the seller will hold the note to the home for a specific period of time. The down payment you will make will be much lower than a bank would require and the interest is also lower. Although it seems that this is a much-preferred way to make this purchase, there are drawbacks to it. The seller will only finance for a certain amount of time, usually ten years. At the end of this, you will need to make a balloon payment to the seller. You could, at that point, get financing through a bank to make this payment. Many people will do this when interest rates are high, hoping that in the ten-year time period, they will get lower.
Seller financing is preferred by most people because there is less time consumed by waiting for banks to approve mortgage loans. All of the terms of the agreement can be negotiated, including the price, the number of years involved and interest rate. This cannot be done with any other type of lending institute. The next time you are either selling or buying a home, you should consider using this method. It could be well worth your while.