How to Choose Between Hard or Soft Luggage
With so many luggage options available, it can be hard to determine what items to choose. One of the major factors is the choice between a hard or soft suitcase. Here are some things to consider when making the decision.
Most hard-sided cases come with wheels on each corner so they can spin and glide with ease through crowded airport environments. Large cases can come equipped with 4 inch caster wheels for smooth rolling and stability, even when the bag is packed full.
Soft-sided cases can absorb liquid, which means there’s a chance they can develop smells, mold and mildew over time. Suitcases with hard sides can get scuff marks easily, but they can also be washed off or buffed out.
The soft nature of fabric offers more flexibility and gives a bit when you want to add more items. Hard-sided cases used to crack often, but …
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