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In my own case within the economic sector, I was not a self-conscious ethnographer. I did not take notes while mimicking the approach of phoning up finance directors to try sell them derivatives. No, I was genuinely phoning finance directors and truly trying to sell them derivatives and becoming genuinely implicated in the politics of finance in the process. I cultivated a ‘going with the flow’ acceptance of the procedure, never explicitly attempting to break the illusion.
That is exactly where SA comes in. It ought to be straightforward sufficient for SA to appeal to its investor audience for concerns prior to a company’s earnings get in touch with. SA has currently demonstrated the potential to create tons of high good quality questions for Q&As. Queries for earnings calls ought to be no distinct. And, because SA is organized into individual sector sites, IR has the capability to target investors already interested either in their respective organizations or companies in their space.
I do not get that. Because 30% is much less than 50%. So say some thing was 50% off, that would be $20…correct? Now if you had 75% that would be $10…So how did you get $12 when that is almost 75% off $40? I am really curious, I am not putting you down in anyway. How I was taught was when you have numbers like 40 you turn it into a pie…So 40 would be one hundred%…30 would be 25% of 40…20 would be 50% of 40…and 10 would be 75% of 40.
An option explanation is that financial analysts and macroeconomists view modeling trade-offs differently. Monetary analysts are primarily interested in making great forecasts, even though macroeconomists are typically far more interested in deriving optimal policies. It may possibly be that, beyond a certain point, greater forecasts come at the expense of analytical tractability. The mid-century models had a quite tough time saying something about the desirability of 1 policy versus another, unless 1 produced silly assumptions like Must HAVE MOAR OUTPUT. The DSGE models have an simpler time with this, but do worse in forecasting.