7 Ways to Profit During Tough Financial Times
Living in Colorado (where I live) have their advantages for business. But the weather is not always pretty. But down on the southeastern coast, things will get just a little scary. No matter where you reside on the bottom, if you’re around the coast a person always has the nagging feeling that it is just a matter of time before whacked by the destructive hurricane.
Anyway, here’s why I bring this up: Just like weather hurricanes… you will find FINANCIAL hurricanes, too — which may happen ANY time and (if history is any indication) unleash miseries galore for the unprepared.
Here are a couple of ways a friend once sent me to prepare for the children. And, if you are sharp, PROFIT from them:
1. Multiple Income Streams
Multiple Income Streams Having only one income stream is DANGEROUS at this time. If that’s you, then you may do worse than …
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